Point Stratford Renewal: Former Stratford Army Engine Plant Project (550 Main St.)

Latest Update:
January 16, 2025
Demolition south of Sniffens Lane will begin later in January 2025.
During the month of December 2024, NorthStar began and completed the scarification of floors in Buildings 19 and 61. NorthStar also started the scarification of impacted floors in Building 6. BL inspected the scarified areas of Building 19 and 61 and performed confirmatory sampling of the substrate. No re-scarification was determined to be necessary as a result of the laboratory analysis. All waste generated as a result of past ACM removal, Universal Waste removal, and scarification have been properly containerized and will be disposed of in accordance with pertinent local, state and federal regulatory guidelines. No structural demolition work took place in December 2024.
Property Information:
The U.S. Army conveyed the 77-acre property to Point Stratford Renewal (PSR) on April 2, 2024.
PSR hosted a public meeting on Monday, June 24th at the Baldwin Center to review Phase I of the project including: remediation, demolition and abatement, environmental, fill process and site civil. A pdf of the presentation can be found here.
Phase I of the project will begin South of Sniffens Lane starting with abatement, demolition of buildings followed by capping. PSR will reach out to the businesses and residents in the Sniffens Lane area prior to the project’s start and at its commencement.
For historical and updated information on the project, please click on the following link: https://www.formersaepinfo.com/
For questions concerning the first phase of the project please contact Peter Cabrera at Pcabrera@eagleventuresre.com.